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Woking Toddler Group

I love finding budget things to do with the little ones, I’m all for an expensive day out every now and again but then also like to watch the pennies too.  We regularly visit toddler groups  around Woking.  They are perfect for us, with two little ones finding something to entertain both of them is very hard however at these groups it’s ideal. They can both explore and play independently whilst I have mum conversations and a coffee.

We went to check out another Woking Toddler Group today and it was fantastic. The room itself was very large and set around one side was play mats for the children to sit and play on (they had various baby toys) There was train sets, a hot wheel garage – which was a massive hit with Noah, he spent ages playing with the cars. Play kitchen and accessories, a play dough table and various ride on toys too.

The other side of the room I would call is like the craft corner, and there was a lot of crafts which you could do there. Each week there is something different but today we had a large choice of which activities we wanted to try. Now I should be prepared how messy my two get when crafts are involved (especially paint) but I never learn. lol.

So today we were able to paint suncatchers, Noah chose the typical dinosaur which he loves and Isabella has her favourite unicorn. These will look great once dried and the sun shining on them. We did some rock painting, well I painted a nice little ladybird and the children’s just turned into a scribble, but at least they tried.

A new activity of us was scratch art (this was a perfect activity for us as it was mess free) we had a special piece of black paper and then once we scraped it pretty colours appeared on our designs. We were also able to make daisy chains, paper sunglasses and pasta fish painting.

This was a really cool idea – we had a picture of a fish and used the pasta shells to decorate their bodies, and then we’re able to use the paint to paint the shells of the fish. Noah really enjoyed this activity, although don’t think his picture even resembled a fish afterwards, was more like a paint party then anything else. Isabella, well, she decided she wanted to eat the pasta and wasn’t even interested in painting.

Once we had finished doing the arts and crafts we ventured outside to a large outdoor space, which was fully enclosed and safe for the children to explore. There were ride on toys, pop up play tents, a water and sand table, slides and climbing apparatus for the children to enjoy. We were even given chalk to decorate the concrete with.

This outdoor space was ideal as have the children that fresh air which they needed but also some extra space where they could run around and burn of all that extra activity they have.

There are also some light snacks, along with hot and cold refreshments for yourself and the children. All that the church asks for is a small donation towards the crafts and refreshments and this is suggested at £2 per family. Perfect value for money.

The group usually runs on a Thursday morning from 9.30am – 12pm and is also running through the summer holiday break too

Find all the Woking baby and toddler groups and classes


Business Name: Woking Toddler Group

Address: St Dunstan's Church, Shaftesbury Rd, Woking, Surrey, GU22 7DT

Opening Times:

Thursdays 9.30am - 12pm
Check their Instagram page for any sessions running in the holidays


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